
How do I get water faucets to run after toilet water was shut off for several hours?

Our toilets upstairs overflowed. The water line for the toilet was shut off for about 3.5 hours. The water throughout the house now is extremely low. The water valve on the toilet is back on and the toilet flushes. The water worked upstairs, but now it doesn't flow more than a trickle out of any faucet. How do I get the water flow back through the faucets?

your valve to your toilet should of not affected the rest of your home - i would check the main valve at the water meter to ensure it is open fully......if it is, you migt have an obstruction in your line or a bad water pressure regulator to your home

Really need to know what caused the toilets upstairs to overflow but in the chaos someone could have turned the valves off under the sinks. Does the toilet fill up at normal pressure? In normal circumstances the toilet cut off valve shouldnt be in no relation to the bathroom sink. Wish I could say more just dont know really the situation.

The short answer, clear your aerators, if that does not work flush clear your stops.

The long answer; your pipes are likely seriously corroded and fouled with accumulated pipe scale. Opening and closing the closet valve knocked a bit loose but you are due for a re-pipe.

Best to call in a professional.

How old is your plumbing?

If the shut off are on, the water should flow. Maybe the main water line wasn't opened up all the way. The toilet might have worked because the tank had time to fill slowly. If you know where the main shut off is, turn it so its open more.

reply test , please delete.

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