
Where can I get my bathroom faucets replated with brass?

Faucets are 16 years old and badly discolored. Replacement parts are either not available or very expensive. I could have the existing items plated with brass again.

sk33t3r may have the right answer but if that doesn't work look in the yellow pages under Metal Finsihers.

changing them out will be much cheaper though. I would only replate if they have some real value such as an antique.

The faucets are typically brass to begin with and then plated with another finish like chrome, or just polished to shine the brass.

Are you sure you don't need to just take a brass cleaner to them? - Brasso and a soft rag.

I would call a company that replates gold and silver faucets and ask if they know anyone that does brass.Try calling someone in the food and beverage department of a high end hotel.

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